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EPQ researching and referencing

EPQ researching and referencing

3 Resources
This is a bundle of 2 Powerpoints (one lecture each) and a 13 page booklet guide to referencing. This is for two session for the EPQ skills, but could also be used for any year 12/13 session, or easily altered to fit for the year 8 PQ or any school research project.
EPQ session- learning to reference

EPQ session- learning to reference

This is a powerpoint lesson teaching students how to properly reference in both Harvard and Oxford style. It advises on tips and tricks to help get clean, accurate references, a hierarchy of referencing (which sources are considered ‘academic’ and which ones arent), how to easily include footnotes, the difference between a reference list and bibliography and the most useful online resources. This is a great lesson for teaching essay skills and was designed for the EPQ course. This can also be useful for the PQ course for year 8 students, as well as year 12 and 13 students, or anyone who is interested in going to university.
EPQ researching and referencing

EPQ researching and referencing

3 Resources
This is a bundle of 2 Powerpoints (one lecture each) and a 13 page booklet guide to referencing. This is for two session for the EPQ skills, but could also be used for any year 12/13 session, or easily altered to fit for the year 8 PQ or any school research project.
Guide on essay writing and structuring

Guide on essay writing and structuring

This is a nine page booklet designed at giving instruction to sixth form students about to start university (16-18) or indeed, year 11 students (15-16) about how to write a university standard essay. This booklet goes into the differences in structure between university and college essays, introductions, main body of the essay and conclusions, planning, researching and much more. A very useful resource for the EPQ or for any student who is not sure of essay structure. The example question used throughout the course of the booklet to highlight different methods of structure is a high level question about Henry VIII. The booklet is still applicable to all, but would be particularly useful to those studying history.
A guide to researching

A guide to researching

This is a guide for all students who are completing research projects, but was made in mind for year 12 and 13 students who are completing the EPQ. This could also be used for year 8 students doing the PQ. This presentation offers useful tips and tricks for researching beyond google, a short guide to the index and glossary, searching for images, optimising google searches and using wikipedia/google scholar effectively. This is useful for any students who need to complete research.
An instructional guide to referencing all forms of media

An instructional guide to referencing all forms of media

This is a 13 page booklet for year 12/13 students, or particularly if they are completing an EPQ, or for younger students who are doing a project or PQ. It is an instructional guide to referencing in both Harvard and Oxford style for a variety of forms of media- books, journals, DVD’s, newspaper, magazines, images etc. This is the kind of instruction they definitely need for university and often school projects, but it’s rare that we have the time to give it! It also contains tips for trickier things to reference, methods of rmaking the process quicker and easier, online resources and programmes they can download to help them out, instructions on how to create bibliographys and reference lists, guides on how to reference effectively within the text and words of warning for common traps and pitfalls. This booklet contains all the information they need and is pure gold dust to students who want to go on to university.